New York State Academy of Mineralogy (NYSAM)

Amphibole Minerals from New York State

The amphibole group constitutes the most chemically complex mineral group in nature and their component atoms have a distinctive arrangement known as a double silicate chain. The more than 75 amphibole species are divided into four sub-groups based on their main chemical element.

pargasite Amphiboles are essential minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks and are wide spread in New York State with 22 species known to be present. The Upper Marble Formation in St. Lawrence County and the Franklin Marble of Orange County are two locations where beautiful amphibole crystals, some of gem quality, occur. The world's finest "hexagonite" tremolite and chrome tremolite are found in St. Lawrence County. Edenite, a calcic amphibole, was first discovered and described as a new mineral species in Edenville, Orange County.

The New York State Museum possesses a world-class collection of amphiboles, some of which are displayed in this case. Our amphibole collection is currently the subject of ongoing research by the Museum's Center for Mineralogy.

The Academy of Mineralogy is a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of the minerals and mineralogy of New York State. The chief goals of the organization are to work with the New York State Museum to promote the study of New York State's mineralogy and to facilitate the gathering of exceptional individual specimens and outstanding collections for preservation in the New York State Museum.